Dear visitor, welcome on my website!


In the year 2012, the building of the Hagymatikum Spa, according to Imre Makovecz’s architectural plans, represented the beginning of a new period in the life of the small town Makó, a town with old traditions in cultivating onion, situated in the south lowlands of the country, hoping for the development of tourism. An old dream of mine has come true by starting a small business of my own, based on this fact. The first handmade chocolate the MAKOLÁDÉ, with marzipan filling, came into being at the opening of the spa, and this was a success from the start, drawing the attention of Duna and ATV televisions, as well as of the Délmagyarország newspaper. Among the gift objects that I offer you there are also: the sweetened postcard, MAKOLADY, MAKOMAN and ONION chocolate bonbons, postcards, mugs with onion design, various fridge magnets and key holders with images of the town. I truly  hope I succeeded in arousing your curiosity and I invite you to choose from these products in the shops mentioned on the website.

Berényiné Joó Erzsébet

Give memories of Mako as present to the ones you love!